Thursday, June 20, 2019

News Analysis Assignment-Gay Marriage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

News Analysis Assignment-Gay Marriage - Essay Example-sex couples, fleck the causes of the problem are the risks of financial support a controversial position during the campaign period and the responsibility of reducing prejudice against aerial people through supporting their right to marriage.This news story assigned responsibility by underlining that Obamas views on same-sex marriage evolved and became more open because of his interactions with same-sex couples. Obama state When I think intimately those soldiers or airmen or Marines or sailors ... and other gay couples, I decided to change my views on gay marriage (Gast, 2012, par.38). His statement shows that because of his interactions with gay couples, he realized that they nooky be as dedicated to marriage and families as heterosexuals. Obama took responsibility for supporting gay marriage that is central to the gay community.The causes of the problem are the risks of supporting a controversial position during the campaig n period and the duty of reducing prejudice against gay people in general through supporting their marriages. Tony Perkins thought that the professorship ...handed to Mitt Romney the one missing piece in his campaign (Gast, 2012, par.19). Indeed, Obama is campaigning for a second term, and this opinion can risk him the support of conservative voters. Nevertheless, Obama is watchful to take the risk if it means taking the responsibility of reducing prejudice against gay people in general through supporting their marriages. He said ...for me personally it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same sex couples should be able to get married (Gast, 2012, par.38). His opinion underscores that gay couples are equal to heterosexual couples, so they should have the same legal marriage rights.With the context of the election, Obamas support for gay marriage cuts both ways. On the one hand, he gains the votes of the LGTB community. On the other hand, he might lose the votes of conservative voters. Still, the article shows

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